How to grow beautiful and healthy nails naturally

Long nails create an elongated and elegant look to the hand, so it’s no wonder people would go to great lengths (pun intended) to archive this look. So here’s some tips and tricks to growing your own naturally long and luscious nails…

How to grow beautiful and healthy nails naturally
Forget spending all that money on fake nails that are ruining any chances of growing them out naturally. Get beautiful nails like mine!


I can’t stress how important this is, the gnawed nails look is NOT cute. It creates a jagged edge, and the more you nibble and chew the less chance your nails have to repair them! And if you keep going, you have a chance of damaging the nail bed which may cause your nails to deform as they grow. If you need to cut them, do so with a nail clipper; or even better a crystal nail file! So do everything you can to stop the bad habit and begin the journey to beautiful looking nails!

How to grow beautiful natural nails top tips painted naturally long nails manicure hands bracelet nails Korean trend fashion
Painted naturally long nails look just as beautiful as artificial ones! They just feel less thick and more agile.

Step 2 – Moisturise

I’m guilty of this skipping this one. But if you tend to suffer from dry skin on your hands, it’s even more important that you keep them hydrated. Once you’ve washed your hands, apply a moisturiser straight away! Your skin will more susceptible of any moisturiser you apply to it right after you’ve washed it away. Massaging a moisturiser into your nails and cuticles too will benefit it.

How to grow beautiful natural nails top tips painted naturally long nails manicure hands bracelet nails Korean trend fashion
I like to use coconut oil in between changing my nail colour to re-hydrate.

Step 3 – Care

It’s pretty hard if you work with your hands a lot, but being careful not to damage or break them helps! A great tip I have between painting your nails is to apply a thin layer of coconut oil to each nail to give it some pampering before applying a new colour. Nail varnish; especially nail polish remover, strips away any moisture from the nail, so rehydrating them this way will give them some strength back. And if you’re getting your hands wet, get some rubber gloves on! Getting the nails wet make them more prone to getting damaged, so buy some fluffy trim ones if you need to.

How to grow beautiful natural nails top tips painted naturally long nails manicure hands bracelet nails Korean trend fashion Step 4 – Protect

As you may have read in the previous step, nail varnish isn’t great for your nails. But it does create a hard protective layer over your nails so it can grow. After I have finished painting my nails I like to add a clear top coat to not only prolong the colour, but by extending it over the edge of the nail it will give it a little extra protection from any chips and nicks!

Some recommendations:

How to grow beautiful natural nails top tips painted naturally long nails manicure hands bracelet nails Korean trend fashion
You don’t need to spend a lot for a nice set of nails! Barry M do affordable and trendy nail colours. – Barry M Molten Metal Nail Paint in Bronze Bae £3.99 from Boots
How to grow beautiful natural nails top tips painted naturally long nails manicure hands bracelet nails Korean trend fashion
You can invest in a great glass nail file that is a little more gentler on your nails when you file them. – Champneys Manicure glass nail file £10 from Boots
A great way to compliment healthy nails is with a great hand cream! This one is anti ageing and smooths the lighter fine lines. –Hand Chemistry IntenseYouth complex hand cream £18.99 at


So following all of these step successfully will hopefully give you longer and stronger nails! Team this with (as always) lots of calcium and water! The vitamin will help the strength of your nails and give it a beautiful white colour. Ensuring the correct oils intake may also help give it a beautiful and natural healthy glow. Sometimes it is just genetics, but stopping a bad habit and trying your best at anything will give you results if you wait!

Now you know how to grow beautiful natural nails, check out how to grow beautiful long hair by picking up some tips here.

Instant Length

Finding it difficult? Don’t worry you can still have long nails without the wait, just ask your manicurist for the best option!

Do you have any tips and tricks of your own? Have you gotten over your nail biting habit?? Let us know in the comments below! And as always, like and subscribe to keep up to date on new posts!


Good luck!


How to grow beautiful and healthy nails naturally

4 thoughts on “How to grow beautiful and healthy nails naturally

  1. Alexis says:

    I have finally gotten to the point where I do not bite anymore yet my nails don’t seem to be growing at all. And they say that nail biters nails grow faster than anyone. I just want some real results on growing out my nails.


    1. Hi Alexis! Congrats on your nail adventure. I’d think the contrary, based on previous nail biting it may have effected the shape of the nail bed and or the way it grows out depending on how far down you bite your nails. Keep having faith and caring for your nails and you will see results in no time!


    1. Hello! I like to use a glass nail file and file in one direction (not back and forth!) My current favourite nail brand is Nail Inc, they have some great formulas! Good luck!


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